Panchakarma Retreat
The ultimate detoxify therapy
All Panchakarma Therapies Require Prior In-Depth Consultations And Thorough Planning
What is Panchakarma therapy?
Panchakarma is five detox therapies.
These are the therapies that get the body rid of toxins.
They are used when the doshas (toxins) are in excess and need to be thrown out of body through the nearest route.
Panchakarma therapy is used in prevention or treatment of disease. They destroy the disease at the root level so it does not re-occur.
Just as a plant would regrow if the root is left intact so the disease would recur if not pulled out from its site of origin. Panchakarma is always carried out in three stages: Preparatory, Main procedure & Post- operative.
All of the stages are equally important. Preparatory stage organises the body for proper elimination. The digestive fire is kindled, the undigested matter within the GI tract is digested and the toxins get mobilised from the tissues.
After the treatment, the digestion and the body become weak. In order to restore the strength of both, a special diet and activities are advised for the period of 3-7 days depending on the level of the cleanse achieved.

All Panchakarma Therapies require prior in-depth consultation and thorough planning.
How will your day look like?
Your day will vary depending on what therapy you have and what stage of your treatment you are in. It is very important to take rest & help your body to detoxify by conserving all the energy for the purpose of inner cleansing. You will be provided with treatments, suitable nutrition, yoga nidra & meditation, advised by the doctors & supported by the rest of our team.
You will be advised to take some silent time to go within at some points during the day. You will be guided and supported throughout your detox and for a prescribed period after your stay with us. You will be advised on nutrition & lifestyle to maintain your health. You will be shown some basic routines and methods of relaxation that will suit your needs.
We are committing to provide the highest quality service and so expecting the clients to fully commit to the treatment planned.
If you are interested in Classic Panchakarma then please complete the form below