Our Chiropodists diagnose and treat various foot and lower limb conditions.
If yours is not listed please do not hesitate to get in touch. We will invite you for an assessment and treatment and advise on the treatment plan if needed.
Callous is a thickened hard layer of the skin most commonly affecting the plantar surface of a foot. Corn is a concentrated area of hard skin and usually is more painful than callous and it feels as if walking on a pebble. Corns develop over bony weight bearing areas of the foot and also toes. Some patients have painful dry heel fissures which can be easily relieved but removal of the hard skin and regular moisturising.
Verruca is a virus living in the skin. It comes from the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). It can affect any area of the foot including toes. We offer various treatments for it and it depends on the type, duration, location and patient age. We cannot guarantee the outcome of verruca treatment and it can take time and persistence to get rid of them. Some verrucas disappear on their own but generally it is easier to treat verrucas on children than adults. The treatments that we offer are as follows: topical acid applications, cryotherapy, verruca needling.
Thick toenails can be caused by trauma or fungal nail infections. We cut and grind the toenail to reduced its thickness. We offer advise on fungal nail treatments and also offer total nail removal and the treatment of the nail bed in some cases of nail fungus.
Ingrown and involuted painful toenails can be managed either routinely or with surgical procedures. We offer partial nail avulsion or total nail avulsion under local anaesthetic. This is with (PNA) or without (TNA) cauterisation of the nail bed which would provide permanent solution for persistent ingrown toenails success rate of 98%
We offer Gait analysis & Biomechanics, this is the most advanced technology working on the position of the feet static and moving, then assessing the behaviour of the knees, hips and spine. This allows the podiatrist to identify and treat by detecting any abnormalities in locomotion. With foot, knee, hip and lower back pain is commonly a result of poor biomechanics.
With Biomechanics examination:
There are various insoles/orthotics to treat painful foot and lower limb conditions.
They are very popular at the centre especially for high risk risk patients. During the treatment we provide thorough nail and skin care and offer relaxing foot spa treatments. This appointment usually takes 45-50 minutes.
Short appointments
Short appointments are available for registered patients only. New patients must first complete registration and attend an initial consultation. This ensures we have your medical history to provide tailored care. This short appointment lasts 12 mins.